Friday, November 7, 2014

Sensitive Teeth?

Why are my teeth sensitive?

Are your teeth sensitive?
Do you avoid cold food and drinks?
How do you know if it’s just sensitivity or a more serious problem?


How common is sensitivity?

It is very common to experience some pain with extremely cold food and drinks. Teeth may also be sensitive to sweet, acidic or hot food and drinks. It is more common in young adults and women report more sensitivity than men. More often dental sensitivity is mild but for some people it can have a significant impact on their daily life.

What causes tooth sensitivity? 

The most common cause of sensitive teeth is exposure of the dentine layer of the tooth. In comparison to the outer enamel layer of the tooth, which is the hardest tissue in the human body, dentine is softer and more porous. Changes in temperature or pressure cause movement of fluid within dentine and this stimulates pain receptors, causing sensitivity.

How does dentine become exposed?

In a normal, healthy tooth dentine is covered by enamel above the gum level and cementum on the root surface. The most common cause of dentine exposure is gum recession leading to exposure of the root surface. The cementum layer on the root surface is softer and thinner than dentine and is prone to wear away leaving the dentine exposed.

What causes gum recession?

  • The most common cause is gum disease caused by plaque build-up due to inadequate brushing and flossing.

  •  Brushing too aggressively with a wrong technique or a toothbrush that is too hard can wear down the enamel at the gum level as well as damage the gums. (For more information on brushing technique, click this link.)

  • Excessive clenching and grinding of the teeth can cause enamel at the neck of the tooth to become worn away and worsen pre-existing gum disease.

  • Using smokeless or chewing tobacco can lead to gum recession and more serious problems such as mouth cancer. Smoking also increases the risk of gum disease.

Dentine can also become exposed when enamel is worn away

This may be due to:

·         Long term tooth wear due to a heavy bite or tooth-grinding habit.

     Frequent exposure of tooth enamel to acidic food and drinks.  

·         Stomach acid due to reflux or frequent vomiting.

·         Tooth decay

A cracked tooth of filling may also lead to sensitivity or pain.

Teeth may also be temporarily sensitive after placement of fillings or tooth whitening procedures.

How can I tell if sensitivity is a sign of a more serious problem?

It’s not always easy to tell. It’s always best to see your dentist if sensitivity is an issue so that they can investigate the cause and find the correct treatment.
If you experience pain for some time after the trigger has been removed, or if your teeth are sensitive to hot this is could be a sign of inflammation within the tooth pulp which contains the nerve.  This needs to be dealt with as soon as possible, to avoid losing the tooth.

How can sensitivity be treated?

This really depends on the cause. The following chart covers some of the most common causes:

Gum disease and recession
Improvement in brushing and flossing techniques.
Regular professional cleaning.
More complex periodontal treatment required for severe gum disease.

Tooth wear and toothbrush abrasion
Correct brushing technique using soft bristled brush.
Fluoride varnish.
Fillings or sealants may be required to replace lost tooth surface and protect exposed dentine.

Tooth grinding habit
Mouth guard can be made to be worn at night to prevent tooth grinding.

Acid erosion of tooth enamel
Change in diet, reducing consumption of acidic and sweet food and drinks.
Treatment of cause in case of reflux or vomiting.
Wait 20 minutes before brushing teeth after acid in mouth.
Fluoride gel or varnish.
Fillings, crowns or veneers may be required to replace lost tooth surface and protect exposed dentine.

Tooth decay
Root canal treatment may be required if decay is very deep and the nerve is infected.
Prevention of further decay.

How can I prevent tooth sensitivity at home?

Of course, if there are certain foods and drinks which trigger sensitivity, these are best avoided.

As mentioned above, good diet and oral hygiene will decrease your risk of dental decay and gum disease.

Fluoride helps to reduce sensitivity and decay, it can be found in toothpastes and mouthwashes.

Toothpastes made specifically for sensitive teeth also contain other mineral compounds which can help to numb the tooth nerve or create a protective barrier preventing stimuli, such as cold and heat, from causing pain sensations. You need to use these toothpastes regularly, twice a day. If particular teeth are sensitive, you can use your finger to rub a small amount of paste onto the sensitive tooth surface after brushing.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Smile Station (click for link), where we will be happy to help you.

Straight Front Teeth Fast!

Are you embarrassed about your smile?

Maybe you have crooked front teeth and have considered seeing an orthodontist but feel it is too late to wear braces as an adult?

Are you worried about the cost and length of treatment involved?

Thanks to a recent innovation in orthodontics, treatment may be easier, faster and less expensive than you expect.

The Inman Aligner uses 3D technology to safely straighten front teeth faster than other appliances.

How does the Inman Aligner work?

The appliance has nickel-titanium coil springs which power aligner bow wires which rest on the inner and outer aspects of the front teeth. This produces gentle forces which act over a long range of movement to guide the teeth into their new position. 

What does it look like?

The metal springs towards the back of your mouth may be visible when you smile. The part the brace on the front teeth is made from clear acrylic.

It looks much better than conventional "train-track type" braces but is slightly more noticeable than "invisible" braces which are completely clear.

The appliance can be removed for short periods of time for special occasions or taking photographs, as well as for daily cleaning.

What is the difference between the Inman Aligner and other types of braces?

Due its unique design, the Inman Aligner can safely straighten teeth faster than others appliances. Treatment is usually completed within 6-18 weeks.

"Invisible" aligners take at least 6 months and traditional fixed braces between 1 to 2 years to complete treatment. 

Faster results and fewer visits also means that treatment is less expensive.

Before treatment
After treatment

Which problems are suitable for treatment with the Inman Aligner?

  • Mild to moderate crowding or protrusion of front teeth.
  • Rotated front teeth.
  • Cross bites - upper incisor teeth behind lower teeth in bite.
  • Where front teeth have become crooked after finishing traditional orthodontic treatment.
  • Pre-alignment of front teeth before cosmetic treatment, such as veneers or whitening. In fact, the Inman Aligner has been called the "missing link" between cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics.

Before treatment

After treatment

What is involved in the treatment?

  • The appliance is removable, but in order to get the fastest results it must be worn at least 20 hours per day. 
  • A mould of your teeth will be taken so that the appliance can be custom made in a dental laboratory.
  • As with all braces, there may be some discomfort and speech may be affected when the appliance is initially fitted, but this should only last for up to a few days.
  • You would need to see the dentist for checks every 2 or 3 weeks whilst wearing the appliance.
  • After any orthodontic treatment, a retainer is advised to prevent the teeth moving back. This could either be a removable retainer, or a thin wire bonded to the backs of the teeth (where it cannot be seen).

Find a certified user

It is important to find an dentist who is trained and certified in using the Inman Aligner and uses genuine appliances. 

If you are in Bangalore, you are welcome to visit us at Smile Station in Indiranagar and discuss if the Inman Aligner may be the right solution for you.